naturesQue SemOss B
Xenohybrid bovine bone substitute material with a coating of biopolymers and collagen fragments.
This combination produces a resorbable bone substitute material. To apply the material, the granules
are moistened with blood so that the positive properties of the coating can develop effectively.
The properties of naturesQue SemOss B
Purified bone matrix with natural crystalline structure
• Bovine bone from New Zealand cattle
• High purity due to chemical purification to prevent the transmission of disease (avoiding the use of high-temperature procedures)
• Beta sterilization
Finishing of the purified bone matrix with a surface coating made up of collagen fragments and biopolymers
• Encourages cell adhesion
• Enhances the mechanical elastic properties of the bovine bone matrix
• Protects against premature resorption of the bovine bone matrix